Running in Isolates

How to run Angel in multiple isolates.

The concept is pretty simple. A normal server would look like this:

var app = new Angel();

If you use the Angel.custom constructor, you can provide a custom ServerGenerator, which is a typedef for a function that binds an HTTP server:

typedef Future<HttpServer> ServerGenerator(InternetAddress address, int port);

With this in mind, you can start a server passing the shared argument to HttpServer.bind:

new Angel.custom((address, port) => HttpServer.bind(address, port, shared: true));

startShared is a function that accomplishes this for you, since it's commonly-used functionality:

new Angel.custom(startShared);

Multiple Isolates

To run in multiple isolates, the concept is simple as well:

import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart';

main(List<String> args) async {
  int concurrency = Platform.numberOfProcessors;

  // Start child isolates...
  for (int i = 1; i < concurrency; i++) {
    Isolate.spawn(serverMain, i);

  // Spawn a server in the main isolate.

void serverMain(int id) {
  // Start shared!!!
  var app = new Angel();
  var http = new AngelHttp.custom(app, startShared);

  app.get('/json', () => {'hello': 'world'});

  app.get('/db', () async {
    // Run a query...
    var connection = new PostgreSQLConnection(
        '', 5432, 'wrk_benchmark',
        username: 'postgres', password: 'password');
    var rows = await connection.query('SELECT id, text from notes;');
    return => {'id': row[0], 'text': row[1]});

  http.startServer(InternetAddress.ANY_IP_V4, 3000).then((server) {
        'Instance #$id listening at http://${server.address.address}:${server.port}');

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