Configuring SSL

The and AngelHttp.fromSecurityContext constructors allow you to run servers that listen to HTTPS requests, which is great in cases where your application handles sensitive data.

You'll need a public and private key, in PEM format:

var context = new SecurityContext()
var http = new AngelHttp.fromSecurityContext(context);

However, a single AngelHttp instance only corresponds to one HttpServer instance. To handle secure requests, while also redirecting insecure users to our HTTPS server, you'll need to have a server listening at port 80.

The easiest way to do this is to use the forceHttps() function from package:angel_multiserver. This returns a middleware that sends 302 redirects from plain HTTP URL's to their HTTPS counterparts.

/// Redirect HTTP URL's to their HTTPS counterparts...
enforceHttps() async {
  var enforcer = new Angel()..use(forceHttps());
  var http = new AngelHttp(enforcer);
  var server = await http.startServer('', 80);
      'HTTPS enforcer listening at http://${server.address.address}:${server.port}');

An example of this setup can be found here:

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