Request Lifecycle

Requests in the Angel framework go through a relatively complex lifecycle, and to truly master the framework, one must understand that lifecycle.

  1. startServer is called.

  2. Each HttpRequest is sent through handleRequest.

  3. beforeProcessed is fired with the HttpRequest.

  4. handleRequest converts the HttpRequest to a RequestContext, and converts its HttpResponse into a


  5. angel_route is used to match the request path to a list of request handlers.

  6. before and after are combined with the handler list.

  7. Each handler is executed.

  8. afterProcessed is fired with the HttpRequest.

  9. All responseFinalizers are run, if res.willCloseItself != true.

  10. If res.willCloseItself = false, all headers, the status code and the response buffer are sent through the actual HttpResponse.

  11. The HttpResponse is closed.

If at any point an error occurs, Angel will catch it. See the error handling docs for more.

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